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Instructions for Written Assignments
If you have been instructed to complete a written assignment, the following is expected from you:
1. Select an audio or video shiur of 45 minutes length or longer. Shiurim can be selected from the following websites:
2. In your own handwriting, write a summary of the shiur, at least, one page long. (If you choose to double-space your writing, the submission should be two pages long.)
If the assignment is submitted by email, a scan of the handwritten document should be sent.
3. Make sure that the attached form is properly filled out. Download the pdf here. Ensure that all areas are completed, signed, and dated.
NOTE: If the assignment is not submitted by the due date, you will be expected to serve detention in yeshiva at the end of the day and complete it then.
For any questions, or, to request an extension, please contact Rabbi Joshua,